Celestial Considerations: October 15th - October 19th


Happy Monday everyone!

This week starts off with a beautiful Mercury/Venus conjunction. Then we get several easy flowing days before the energies of the Mercury/Mars square begin their influence.  With awareness, we can coast on through. Have a wonderful week!

Monday Oct 15th: Mercury conjunct Venus

Having the Sun and Mercury conjunct always brings peace & harmony. They are in Libra this time, so these feelings are magnified even more. This is a great time to socialize, be out in the public, or enjoy friends and family. This one feels so good, but also know that it could make us a bit more emotional or sensitive.

Friday Oct 19th: Mercury trine Neptune and Mercury square Mars

Mercury/Neptune trine is another gift for our week, as it can stimulate creativity, imagination, and your spirituality. Your mind, thought forms, and communications benefit with this caring soft influence. All of your senses are fine-tuned and opened up to receive… as are those around you. This aspect is a little on the dreamy side, so it’s not a good time for reading the fine print or signing contracts. This aspect also helps and softens the Mercury/ Mars Square.

Mercury/Mars square is full of friction and irritation, so once again, this not a good time for making important decisions. We all need to listen carefully during this aspect because miscommunication could happen all too easily. You could feel rushed or pushed but the warning is to not make any hasty decisions. Know that those around us could be short-tempered or even aggressive. When we can stay aware, we are able to put out the lit fuse before it has the chance to take off.

In Spirit,
