Celestial Considerations: September 18th - September 23rd


Quote from ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology’: “How many Libras does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Maybe one to do it and one not to do it.”

Later this week we have both our Solar Sun and Mercury move into Libra, along with our Fall Equinox.  Libra’s symbol is the scales. Libra’s are very good at looking at each side of the scale and weighing each over and over until they often become stuck not being able to make a final decision and move forward. Because they can see each side clearly, they make very good mediators. High -level Libra’s have moved beyond the indecisive and are at complete Peace.  Living with indecision is hard on the central nervous system.  We can always adjust and navigate as we go… In fact, adjusting is much easier once there is forward momentum... The planets are not pausing anytime soon, so there is plenty of momentum.

Tuesday Sept. 18th: Mars square Uranus

The Mars/Uranus square is a turning point with friction. Your life force facing resistance or challenge in this change.  This may be about tearing up the rules and making your own; Mars wants you thinking outside the box; dare to be different. Feet in the ground, head in the clouds. Uranus in Taurus helps with the grounding and rooting the change.

Thursday Sept. 20th: Sun conjunct Mercury

This conjunction is in the last degrees of Virgo for both Sun and Mercury.  As I study astrology, I am continually amazed at how the planets line up and work together… I will forever be their eager student.  These last weeks the planets have had the theme of “take care of the details, clean out the clutter, and make the changes you need to now.” Here we are with both the Sun and Mercury 27 degrees Virgo (2 +7 = 9; Nine is about completion).  We are getting one final push to ‘get ‘er done’. Change your mind and thought forms down to the details that have been revealed to be true to your authentic higher self.  Know that this 27 degrees is powerful energy of these two on top of each other fused together, concentrating their focus and intensity for completion.

Friday Sept 21st: Mercury moves into Libra

Libra is the second air sign in the chart, making it easy and natural while Mercury is in Libra to think things through and see all sides clearly.

Saturday Sept 22nd: Sun moves into Libra and Fall Equinox

While our Sun is in Libra, the aspects to it will be all about harmony and balance with the movement to complete Peace. The Fall Equinox gives us the complete balance of day and night right as we enter Libra.  With the past weeks you have cleared out some ‘stuff’ and organized some areas of your life.  You are ready to find more balance in your daily life while you say goodbye to summer and welcome the days of Autumn. There is a preparation as we head towards the ‘dark’ part of the year; knowing that in the dark so much more will be revealed if we are willing to look and do the work.

Sunday Sept 23rd: Mercury square Saturn and Mercury trine Mars

Mercury/Saturn square another friction and turning point. This corresponds with the earlier Mars/Uranus square of tearing up the rules. With Saturn, take it to higher cosmic law and above the man-made restrictions and rules in our society. This is getting beyond the details… looking at the bigger picture, you do not want to let restrictions of Saturn pull you backwards. With Mercury in Libra think of higher levels of awareness to complete Peace. 

Mercury/ Mars trine is for inspiration with a flow and ease to help and support. Your life force is here to give you the nudge; dare to be different. This aspect gives you an enforced concentration with lots of energy with a sharp mind. A good time for making decisions or plans; you are quick thinking and ‘tuned’ in.  If nothing else, write a little inspirational note to yourself to look back on at a later time.

This is all just before Monday’s (Sept 24th) Full Moon in Aries… The planets are keeping the pace all through September, so adjust as you go.

In Spirit,
