Celestial Considerations: September 10th - September 16th


Sunday evening is our New Moon in Virgo (refer back to last weeks considerations). A reminder: I give the exact date and aspect, but these energies and the influence of the planets lasts for days and sometimes weeks. The New Moon starts things off this week of very active planets. They are asking us to upgrade and change our mind and thought forms. The planets are asking us to connect to our authentic selves, and get past the nonsense and things we have allowed to clutter up our lives and our thinking. With our Solar Sun and Mercury in Virgo, this is the time to take care of the details and the stresses of unfinished business... clear out the clutter and be ready to move forward. If there is anything in your life weighing you down, get rid of it so that you can utilize the wonderful energies the planets are sending your way. The planets are working together to bring us truer to our authentic selves. There is great potential to utilize the energies this week to make another leap forward…. So, just go for it!

 Monday Sept 10th: Mars moves into Aquarius

Aquarius is the unconventional. While Mars is in Aquarius we will tend to approach problems with a more intellectual detached perspective.

 Tuesday Sept 11th: Sun in Virgo is sextile Jupiter in Scorpio and Sun trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn

Aspects to our Solar Sun while in Virgo are all about pieces of the puzzle; time to take care of the details and get rid of the clutter and other distractions. Sun/Jupiter sextile brings optimism and helps us with our timing... there is expansion and integration with these two. This is one of those aspects that brings a great big smile because it just doesn’t get much better than this. You feel optimistic, lucky, full of positive thinking... so get out there and put this to good use.

Sun/Pluto Rx trine has power and potential for positive transformations; these two are working in harmony and supporting each other for positive changes and clearing away the clutter. Pluto rules elimination and with Sun in Virgo you want to continue to clear away that ‘stuff’. Heart and soul to transform; Pluto Rx so this will probably be a repeat to take to higher level.

Wednesday Sept 12th: Jupiter sextile Pluto Rx, Venus in Scorpio in opposition to Uranus Rx in Taurus, Venus sextile Saturn in Capricorn

Jupiter/Pluto Rx sextile expansion to transform... Retrograde so this is a redo to take to a higher level. There is opportunity and fusion with these two planets working together. This brings success through positive changes that will feel natural and easy. You will have the desire for some reformation; wanting to expand for the upgrade.

Venus/Uranus opposition. Find the balance between what you love and value and the changes in your life now and ones yet to come; an upgrade of a past pattern with Uranus Rx. You are looking for the balance between these two for some reform and rejuvenation. This is about making changes in a structured and organized way that will serve you well for a long time.  This aspect could also involve your relationships or how you feel about yourself.  Be gentle with yourself and others.

Venus/Saturn sextile what you love and value with Saturn in Capricorn... this is where you are feeling restricted by your duties and responsibilities or even your relationships. With this sextile, these planets are fused together for the opportunity to infuse what you love and value into your life's’ obligations. You will want to get the job done without procrastination. Get it off your plate so you are not bogged down with all this ‘stuff’.

Thursday Sept 13th: Mercury in Virgo is opposition to Neptune Rx in Pisces

Mercury/Neptune opposition is the tug of war to balance your thought forms with your beliefs. This sounds like a ‘no brainer’, until you consider that our programing since a small child and our daily living in society has us ‘believing’ much that isn’t true to our higher self and who we really are.  With Mercury in Virgo, this will open up our thinking to the details that we have not been ‘seeing’ previously. Be open to what comes to you during this time. Stay aware to really ‘see’ and receive the full benefit.

Saturday Sept 15th: Mercury trine Pluto Rx

These planets are also flowing and working together, enhancing and supporting each other for transformation of mind and thought forms.  Pluto is in Retrograde so align this one with the Mercury/ Neptune opposition to take this to a higher level…. Lose the resistance (which is a form of fear) and kick it up a notch.

Sunday Sept 16th: Mercury sextile Jupiter

Mercury continues to ask us to rethink everything and has Jupiter here to help us expand with a nice trine full of inspiration. This aspect is all about looking into the future with a very broad outlook, full of positive, expansive energy.  Your voice has lots of power behind it with this aspect, and is once again a time when others will be able to hear what you say. You might want to share some of what you have experienced with these energies the last couple weeks.  You are changing and growing and YOU are an inspiration to others.

 I also realized that I did not include the quote from ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology’ when our Solar Sun moved into Virgo; for fun the quote is below.

“How many Virgos does it take to screw in a light bulb? At least four. One to take out the light bulb, one to check the wiring, one to put in the new light bulb, and one to clean up the mess.”

In Spirit,
