Celestial Considerations: March 20th - March 24th


Wednesday March 20th: Full Moon Libra, Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury Retrograde in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn (in its ruling sign), Sun moves into Aries AND Spring Equinox

A Full Moon is always two things: when we bring forth the seed we planted during the New Moon, AND the Sun and the Moon are in opposition.  This one brings out the polarities in your life…. Have you been spending too much of your energy on work and not enough recreation? How about your relationships or your devotional time? This Full Moon is about finding the balance and equilibrium needed for us to go forward and continue to grow.

Full Moons are always trying to find balance between the Sun and the Moon. It’s that play on the middle of the teeter tooter, all by yourself.  It is the tension and polarization between these two, and with this one in Libra, it is even more about finding the balance. Perfect balance is to be in complete peace.  Pay attention to your increased emotions and intuition during this time. This one also is about your personal relationships, so anything that is out of balance is going to come to your attention. Emotions for you and those around you run higher during Full Moon, so be gentle with yourself and others. This is also the time where you can fine-tune your New Moon goals and make emotional adjustments as needed.  The good news is that this Full Moon brings opportunity and prosperity; the aspects to this one makes it a much easier Full Moon.  There is an amazing line-up with the planets during this full moon. So, find your balance and enjoy some play time too!

Mars/Pluto trine adds support with goal directed energy to this Full Moon. You may feel very ambitious. The great thing about this aspect is you can be assertive and direct, while still maintaining peace and harmony. There is lots of power with this aspect, so it adds power to everything else aligning with this Full Moon. This aspect has your life force and your subconscious enhancing and supporting each other.  You may hear your soul talking to you, so LISTEN.

Mercury Rx/Saturn sextile helps with the Mercury retrograde and in Pisces because this aspect is about clear and organized thinking. Your brain is in high gear and communications are more open and honest.  This is a good time to share your beliefs, and a good time to teach and give back some of what you have learned.

Today, we also have our solar Sun move into Aries. The lesson with Aries is about finding courage. Low level Aries is a leader you do not want to follow; I always think of General Custer.  High level Aries is “If you choose to follow me; I will do you no harm”.

 Spring Equinox is when we are ready to grow, and ready to pursue our goals.  We’ve had the winter months to rest and prepare. The night and day are equal, so this brings some wonderful balancing energy to this Full Moon- just what Libra loves and wants! Spring equinox is when love is in the air. It is a time of new beginnings.

There is a wonderful but also intense line-up with these energies.  Sometimes new growth has birthing pains. If you experience difficulties with these energies, please honor yourself and the new growth stage you are entering.  This could be a very powerful turning point in your life.

Thursday March 21st: Venus in Aquarius is square Mars, Venus sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius (in its ruling sign)

Venus/Mars square has friction and irritation between these two.  If there are some difficulties in your relationships, this will bring them out. The key is to not be aggressive or impatient, but to look for how you can compromise. This is your life force being challenged by what you love and value… they want to be alignment with each other… in alignment with your soul.  So, this aspect can be a turning point for any fragments that are not working for you right now.

Venus/Jupiter trine has a warm fuzzy feeling.  This will help immensely if you are dealing with any relationship difficulties. You are warm, open and charming with this aspect. It is great for getting out and socializing or spending time those that are close to you. With this aspect at the same time as the Venus/Mars square and all the other Full Moon energies, stay aware of the interactions that are taking place.

Sunday March 24th: Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (in its ruling sign)

This aspect takes your thinking and communicating to a higher level.  A good time to study and a great time to share your thoughts and feelings.  There is a concentration and intensity of energies with these two working together. This aspect also enhances your intuition.

For those that have been following my perceptions on the planets energies each week, you will realize this is an exceptionally powerful and FULL week. My comments on the week are also quite lengthy compared to normal.  You just don’t see a line-up like this very often.  It continues to amaze me how the planets give us the opportunity to prepare and then the energies to make a leap forward.  It is always our choice in how we deal with these energies and what we choose to do with them; we always have Free Will.  At all times there is a Yin and Yang with the energies the planets send to us. It is up to us if we choose to go to the highest level possible or get caught up in the lower.  It is when we get pulled down by our emotions or judgements that we get pulled down into the lower levels.  We are all human, so the trick is to catch ourselves as soon as possible. I feel that if we have an awareness of the energies that are coming in, we are both able to catch ourselves quicker when we slip and able to set our intentions to utilize them at the highest level, we are capable of. It is through our own growth and uplifting ourselves that we uplift those around us. Thanks to my teacher, whenever I set my intentions I always include for THE MOST BENEVOLENT OUTCOME. Have a Wonderful Powerful Week