Lunar Power: Phases of the Moon and What They Mean


“It must be a full Moon!” The moon is the closest astronomical body to us on Earth, and has influence and power over not just our planet, but us as spiritual beings as well. Each stage of the moon represents different energies, and these shifting energies can an add an extra boost or support to what you wish to work on or manifest! Although I believe the power of intention has an effect no matter the time it is enacted, timing your actions alongside these transitions can be beneficial.

First, lets define some lunar terms:

Waxing: the moon’s illumination is growing

Crescent: less than half of the moon is illuminated

Quarter: exactly half the moon is illuminated while the other half is shadowed

Gibbous: more than half of the moon is illuminated

Full: the sun illuminates the entire moon

Waning: decreasing of the moon’s illumination

New: the moon cannot be seen from Earth

Now, lets explore what each phase symbolizes!

New Moon: New beginnings... start fresh, with a clean slate and new intention(s).

Waxing Crescent: With your intention clear in your in mind, put what you hope to manifest out into the world.

First Quarter: Add action to your intention. Prepare to overcome obstacles and move forward.

Waxing Gibbous: Refine your intention and observe the building momentum.

Full Moon: Harvest the rewards of your intention and seal in what you have manifested.

Waning Gibbous: Show gratitude for what you have harvested.

Third Quarter: Let go of what you have been holding on to that is no longer serving your highest good. Who can you show forgiveness to? Others? Yourself?

Waning Crescent: Surrender and contemplate.

Each cycle of the moon is a chance to start anew, no matter your approach to intention setting. You can make this awareness a part of your yoga or mediation practice, or easily just contemplate your relationship to the moon upon waking or before bed. I love to incorporate visual or tangible details to each moon cycle, through crystal grids, journaling, vision boards, etc.

Do you have any lunar rituals? I’d love to hear them!