Posts tagged celestial considerations
Celestial Considerations: March 20th - March 24th

Wednesday March 20th: Full Moon Libra, Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury Retrograde in Pisces sextile Saturn in Capricorn (in its ruling sign), Sun moves into Aries AND Spring Equinox

A Full Moon is always two things: when we bring forth the seed we planted during the New Moon, AND the Sun and the Moon are in opposition.  This one brings out the polarities in your life…. Have you been spending too much of your energy on work and not enough recreation? How about your relationships or your devotional time? This Full Moon is about finding the balance and equilibrium needed for us to go forward and continue to grow.

Full Moons are always trying to find balance between the Sun and the Moon. It’s that play on the middle of the teeter tooter, all by yourself.  It is the tension and polarization between these two, and with this one in Libra, it is even more about finding the balance. Perfect balance is to be in complete peace.  Pay attention to your increased emotions and intuition during this time. This one also is about your personal relationships, so anything that is out of balance is going to come to your attention. Emotions for you and those around you run higher during Full Moon, so be gentle with yourself and others. This is also the time where you can fine-tune your New Moon goals and make emotional adjustments as needed.  The good news is that this Full Moon brings opportunity and prosperity; the aspects to this one makes it a much easier Full Moon.  There is an amazing line-up with the planets during this full moon. So, find your balance and enjoy some play time too!

Mars/Pluto trine adds support with goal directed energy to this Full Moon. You may feel very ambitious. The great thing about this aspect is you can be assertive and direct, while still maintaining peace and harmony. There is lots of power with this aspect, so it adds power to everything else aligning with this Full Moon. This aspect has your life force and your subconscious enhancing and supporting each other.  You may hear your soul talking to you, so LISTEN.

Mercury Rx/Saturn sextile helps with the Mercury retrograde and in Pisces because this aspect is about clear and organized thinking. Your brain is in high gear and communications are more open and honest.  This is a good time to share your beliefs, and a good time to teach and give back some of what you have learned.

Today, we also have our solar Sun move into Aries. The lesson with Aries is about finding courage. Low level Aries is a leader you do not want to follow; I always think of General Custer.  High level Aries is “If you choose to follow me; I will do you no harm”.

 Spring Equinox is when we are ready to grow, and ready to pursue our goals.  We’ve had the winter months to rest and prepare. The night and day are equal, so this brings some wonderful balancing energy to this Full Moon- just what Libra loves and wants! Spring equinox is when love is in the air. It is a time of new beginnings.

There is a wonderful but also intense line-up with these energies.  Sometimes new growth has birthing pains. If you experience difficulties with these energies, please honor yourself and the new growth stage you are entering.  This could be a very powerful turning point in your life.

Thursday March 21st: Venus in Aquarius is square Mars, Venus sextile Jupiter in Sagittarius (in its ruling sign)

Venus/Mars square has friction and irritation between these two.  If there are some difficulties in your relationships, this will bring them out. The key is to not be aggressive or impatient, but to look for how you can compromise. This is your life force being challenged by what you love and value… they want to be alignment with each other… in alignment with your soul.  So, this aspect can be a turning point for any fragments that are not working for you right now.

Venus/Jupiter trine has a warm fuzzy feeling.  This will help immensely if you are dealing with any relationship difficulties. You are warm, open and charming with this aspect. It is great for getting out and socializing or spending time those that are close to you. With this aspect at the same time as the Venus/Mars square and all the other Full Moon energies, stay aware of the interactions that are taking place.

Sunday March 24th: Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (in its ruling sign)

This aspect takes your thinking and communicating to a higher level.  A good time to study and a great time to share your thoughts and feelings.  There is a concentration and intensity of energies with these two working together. This aspect also enhances your intuition.

For those that have been following my perceptions on the planets energies each week, you will realize this is an exceptionally powerful and FULL week. My comments on the week are also quite lengthy compared to normal.  You just don’t see a line-up like this very often.  It continues to amaze me how the planets give us the opportunity to prepare and then the energies to make a leap forward.  It is always our choice in how we deal with these energies and what we choose to do with them; we always have Free Will.  At all times there is a Yin and Yang with the energies the planets send to us. It is up to us if we choose to go to the highest level possible or get caught up in the lower.  It is when we get pulled down by our emotions or judgements that we get pulled down into the lower levels.  We are all human, so the trick is to catch ourselves as soon as possible. I feel that if we have an awareness of the energies that are coming in, we are both able to catch ourselves quicker when we slip and able to set our intentions to utilize them at the highest level, we are capable of. It is through our own growth and uplifting ourselves that we uplift those around us. Thanks to my teacher, whenever I set my intentions I always include for THE MOST BENEVOLENT OUTCOME. Have a Wonderful Powerful Week

Celestial Considerations: March 13th - March 17th

If you missed anything you should have taken care of before Mercury in Pisces turned retrograde, or if anything since has come to your attention, this is the week to take care of it.  The effects of Mercury in Pisces and in retrograde are reduced greatly this week. There is helpful energy here for difficult tasks or projects... have you done your taxes yet?  In all seriousness, with the difficulties Mercury retrograde and being in Pisces involves this would be a good week to take care of your taxes if you haven’t already.  The energies all the rest of March will make it much more difficult.  Maybe there is some other project that you need to get checked off your list. This week is also good for studying anything in depth or working with something that is very detailed.

Wednesday March 13th: Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Capricorn and Sun square Jupiter in Sagittarius (in its ruling sign)

Sun/Pluto sextile has an integration of these two working together for increased power in all you do. There is determination to get things done, which makes it a good time to tackle a difficult project.  Also, a good time to study as you have an ‘in depth’ understanding with this aspect.

Sun/Jupiter square has friction and irritation between these two. Jupiter could bring the tendency to overdo or be overly confident, so you need to stay aware. Focus your energy on projects or something constructive, but with moderation.

Thursday March 14th: Mars in Taurus trine Saturn in Capricorn (in its ruling sign), Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (retrograde) in Pisces

Mars/Saturn trine is enhanced and supported, giving you ambition and perseverance. This aspect is efficient and has patience, along with self-discipline. This is a great aspect for getting good practical long-term results.

Sun/Mercury conjunction greatly helps Mercury’s Pisces retrograde difficulties. There is a focus on thinking and communications, making it a good time to take care of paperwork or other tasks.

Friday March 15th: Mercury square Jupiter

Jupiter gives you a broader outlook, making the difficulty with this aspect the possibility of overlooking the smaller details. Thankfully, the other aspects this week help soften this one. You will also need to use caution with your words and how they are being interpreted. Stay aware!

Saturday March 16th: Mercury sextile Pluto

This aspect adds depth and intensity to your thinking and conversations. Good time for study or research.  Your words will be more persuasive, along with more easily heard, which is once again a great deal of help while we are dealing with Mercury retrograde and in Pisces

Sunday March 17th: Mercury sextile Mars

AND some more help. This aspect speeds up your mind and your reflexes. It also has energy to get out there and succeed.  Once again, this aspect has a strong purpose and drive.  You can be direct and straight forward with your wording and with your actions.


In Spirit,

Brenda Wilson

Celestial Considerations: November 19th - November 24th

Quote from ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology’

  “How many Sagittarians does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One and eleven other signs to revolve around him.”

Our Solar Sun moves in Sagittarius on Thanksgiving Day, followed by our Full Moon in Gemini the day after. Holidays are such a wonderful time to gather with our friends and families, but they can also be loaded with expectations and emotions. I like to be mindful of what the energies are with the intention to enjoy fully while I also stay aware. The Mars/Jupiter square energy will still be very present, although thankfully less prevalent on Thanksgiving day. The Full Moon could also bring up some issues… Thankfully it is not ‘full’ until Friday, but it’s energies will be coming in all week. Mercury is retrograde, so we also know that communicating clearly with one another is not easily accomplished! Bottom line: Have a wonderful Thanksgiving while staying aware! 

Monday November 19th: Mars in Pisces is square Jupiter in Scorpio

This square has friction with action to start possibly a big project. This energy is impulsive and could come across as a little coarse or insensitive, but there is powerful energy here to put to use. You will want to stay aware of this energy as both yourself and others may be less tactful than usual; with this energy so powerful we don’t want to misuse it in any form.

Thursday November 22nd: Thanksgiving Day, Sun moves into Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the last fire sign in the chart… it’s the archer with arrows going out in all directions. Old Astrology says Sagittarius is the Gypsy, the Teacher and the Philosopher.  I think of Sagittarius as the traveler of the body, mind and spirit and when taken to higher dimensions… that is high-level Sagittarius. Jupiter is the ruler of this sign and it is all about expansion: more travel, more knowledge and more spiritual. Sagittarians are all about action, as they have moved beyond the fear of death and are here to fully experience life.  The Achilles heel for Sagittarians is they can end up going in so many directions at once that they burn out or their central nervous system can’t keep up.

Friday November 23rd: Full Moon Gemini                       

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which is in retrograde, so we need to remain aware that communications can be misinterpreted. Gemini is the sign of the twins, two sides of the coin, the yin and yang. Gemini has a busy mind and is easily distracted during this Full Moon. You want to bring forth the seed you planted during New Moon Scorpio, which had the added energy of spiritual transformation with it.

Saturday November 24th: Neptune goes direct

This leaves Mercury and Uranus the only two planets left retrograde.


Thanksgiving is the perfect start to the Holiday Season, as it is opportunity to be filled with gratitude and descending grace.




Celestial Considerations: October 29th - November 1st

For the trick or treat this week, we have Venus and Uranus, both retrograde and in opposition.  Because we are in Scorpio, you won’t need to contemplate what these aspects could look like… it will surface all on its own if need be. Just see what/if something comes up,and stay aware to adjust and change as you go.

Monday Oct 29th: Mercury in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio

Your mind and thought forms are expanded with optimism and enthusiasm. You are very broad minded and view the bigger picture with clarity. Intuition is high during this time and double loaded with Plutonian energy to view the ‘other side’.  Don’t ignore or close the door if something should come to light that isn’t pleasant… know that this is actually a gift for transformation.

Wednesday Oct 31st: Mercury moves into Sagittarius, Venus Rx in Scorpio is in opposition to Uranus Rx in Taurus, Venus moves into Libra

Mercury (and the aspects to it) while in Sagittarius will go out into all areas of your life, kind of like getting double your money’s worth.

Venus/Uranus opposition with both planets in retrograde means this is a chance for a do-over at a higher level. This most likely will involve a close relationship, but it could also be about what we love and value in our life. This one is all about change with excitement. Having a more playful attitude going into this aspect will help it evolve without the resistance. Venus is in last degrees of Scorpio and moving into Libra, so this is about letting go and allowing Uranus to redo, reorganize, revitalize etc.

 While Venus is in Libra, the aspects to it will be about bringing balance and harmony to what we love and value in our lives.

This past Monday, I realized that a houseplant that I have enjoyed for several years needed to be pruned. It is always hard for me to cut away uch lush growth, but I have learned that if I wait too long, the new growth underneath becomes deformed and the plant takes a long time to recover. The bundle in my arms that I took away had big lush leaves and the plant that was left had smaller, paler leaves and looked thin and misshapen. I wish I had taken a before and after picture! In just a few days, the new growth has perked up and already filled in where the old stalks were removed.  For the first time enjoying this plant in my home, I did not wait too long. This is Scorpio: getting rid of the old and making room for the new… and for once I had perfect timing. It will still be hard the next time to pick up those shears and prune away such lush growth, but with what I have witnessed this plant do in just a few days I intend to try and do the next pruning as timely as I can. So, the question is why do I usually not SEE that this plant needs trimming… why do we wait? Why do we resist the opportunity to TRANSFORM??

In Spirit,


Celestial Considerations: October 22nd - October 27th

Quote from ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology’

“How many Scorpios does is take to screw in a lightbulb? None. They like the dark.”

Our Solar Sun enters Scorpio this week, and we have some interesting planets and aspects prompting and helping us to prepare for what is headed our way. Midweek brings a very interesting Full Moon in Taurus. This brings forth the seed we planted during our New Moon in Libra.  I look forward to witnessing our added seeds of Peace and Harmony to grow. The first blossom starts from within. Once a bud starts to open, it has an energy all its own to open into full bloom. 

Monday Oct 22nd: Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto Rx in Capricorn

This aspect is deep and intense, especially in regards to your thinking and conversations.  Your mind wants to probe and penetrate and with Pluto in Capricorn it is down to business with a strong desire to learn. Your intuition is also heightened during this time. You can use this powerful intellect and psychic energy towards something you’ve been working on or just see what comes to the surface. 

Tuesday Oct 23rd: Sun moves into Scorpio, Sun in opposition to Neptune Rx in Pisces

Moving into Scorpio is Plutonian… let go of the old so there can be new life. It is the Icarus story… the rise of the Phoenix. When working with Scorpio or Pluto, the lesson to learn is to let go and allow the natural evolution (without taking ourselves down). It is when we try to hang on for too long and are unwilling to let go that we create our struggles. To understand the power of Scorpio is to understand the truth in death. High level of Scorpio has moved beyond the fear of death. I was taught that Scorpio is the strongest, most powerful sign in the chart.  So, use Scorpio’s power while the planets are here… move beyond fear. LET GO.

Sun/Neptune opposition can have you feeling confused and discouraged. It is a good time to use your creativity and your spiritual beliefs, especially if you end up in a challenging interaction with someone. Take the high road… understand they are just feeling this opposition without the awareness. Neptune is in retrograde, so this is a redo; repeat to take to a higher level. You can utilize this energy to connect with your soul on a higher spiritual dimension.  Oppositions are always the tug-of-war between the two. I think of myself as a kid playing on a teeter-totter by myself, standing in the middle, balancing and letting each side rock a little without letting one side go too far---and never banging and hitting the ground… at least until I am ready to get off and go play somewhere else.

Wednesday Oct 24th: Full Moon in Taurus, Venus Rx in Scorpio is sextile Saturn in Capricorn

This full moon is conjunct Uranus, making it filled with excitement, changes, and uncertainty. The Moon is also trine Saturn, which helps moderate Uranus and help this Full Moon be more about opportunities while adding some stability to the changes. Full Moon energy lasts for several weeks; watch for the changes in your life (maybe in relationships) and when adjustments to those changes are needed, know that solutions will arise.  Be gentle with yourself and others through the process. Patience, forgiveness and love will see this Full Moon bring growth into your life.

Venus/Saturn sextile explains why this moon could be about changes in your close relationships. This aspect is serious and committed, and with Venus in retrograde, this is another repeat we are doing that needs to be taken to a higher level. If there are any difficulties, this aspect will help find resolutions because it brings in a lot of mutual understanding. Saturn in Capricorn is serious and down to business; we’re not interested in frills or diversions, we want what’s real. We also might need to upgrade what we love and value in our lives; in Scorpio we may need to let somethings go to allow for new birth.

Friday Oct 26th: Sun conjunct Venus Rx

The Sun literally shines on your love and close relationships along with your creativity.  You are also shining with Venus’ love. This is a great time to get out and socialize and be ‘out there’. Venus also ules money and material goods, making this aspect supportive and flowing with ease in those areas of your life too.

Saturday Oct 27th: Sun sextile Saturn

There is a sense of duty and serious work ethic, making it a good time to meet your goals. This aspect gives you added patience and determination… this is the perfect time to get something else off your plate and be ready to move forward.

In Spirit,



Celestial Considerations: October 15th - October 19th

Happy Monday everyone!

This week starts off with a beautiful Mercury/Venus conjunction. Then we get several easy flowing days before the energies of the Mercury/Mars square begin their influence.  With awareness, we can coast on through. Have a wonderful week!

Monday Oct 15th: Mercury conjunct Venus

Having the Sun and Mercury conjunct always brings peace & harmony. They are in Libra this time, so these feelings are magnified even more. This is a great time to socialize, be out in the public, or enjoy friends and family. This one feels so good, but also know that it could make us a bit more emotional or sensitive.

Friday Oct 19th: Mercury trine Neptune and Mercury square Mars

Mercury/Neptune trine is another gift for our week, as it can stimulate creativity, imagination, and your spirituality. Your mind, thought forms, and communications benefit with this caring soft influence. All of your senses are fine-tuned and opened up to receive… as are those around you. This aspect is a little on the dreamy side, so it’s not a good time for reading the fine print or signing contracts. This aspect also helps and softens the Mercury/ Mars Square.

Mercury/Mars square is full of friction and irritation, so once again, this not a good time for making important decisions. We all need to listen carefully during this aspect because miscommunication could happen all too easily. You could feel rushed or pushed but the warning is to not make any hasty decisions. Know that those around us could be short-tempered or even aggressive. When we can stay aware, we are able to put out the lit fuse before it has the chance to take off.

In Spirit,


Celestial Considerations: September 30th - October 5th

This weeks Celestial Considerations looks like it is the perfect opportunity to remind ourselves to open our minds, take deep breaths, and check in with our priorities. Let’s dive in!

A rather quiet week... You already know the planets are never quiet for long so enjoy the calm!  Early this week, remember to take the time to be gentle with yourself and others.

Tuesday Oct 2nd: Mercury Libra square Pluto Capricorn

There is plenty of friction with this aspect that may come to your attention. This could bring to light something new or different, maybe finding yourself delving deeply into research or a new direction. Use caution here to not get caught up too deeply, or be overly opinionated or judgmental. With Mercury in Libra, you could argue with yourself or you can try to balance and mediate within your head. Take the high road and maintain an open mind. There is always more of the story to unfold and we don’t always know what we are looking at first glance. This aspect has the potential for arguments and confrontations, so step aside if need be.

Friday Oct 5th: Venus turns retrograde

This leaves us with 3 planets retrograde: Venus Rx, Uranus Rx and Neptune Rx. This is where we need to take the do-overs to a higher level! Remain aware of any repeating patterns in your life and take them up a notch. Venus retrograde could involve your relationships and taking a look at what you think you value in your life.  A good time to sort and go through… and not just your closet.

In Spirit,


Celestial Considerations: September 18th - September 23rd

Quote from ‘The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Astrology’: “How many Libras does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Maybe one to do it and one not to do it.”

Later this week we have both our Solar Sun and Mercury move into Libra, along with our Fall Equinox.  Libra’s symbol is the scales. Libra’s are very good at looking at each side of the scale and weighing each over and over until they often become stuck not being able to make a final decision and move forward. Because they can see each side clearly, they make very good mediators. High -level Libra’s have moved beyond the indecisive and are at complete Peace.  Living with indecision is hard on the central nervous system.  We can always adjust and navigate as we go… In fact, adjusting is much easier once there is forward momentum... The planets are not pausing anytime soon, so there is plenty of momentum.

Tuesday Sept. 18th: Mars square Uranus

The Mars/Uranus square is a turning point with friction. Your life force facing resistance or challenge in this change.  This may be about tearing up the rules and making your own; Mars wants you thinking outside the box; dare to be different. Feet in the ground, head in the clouds. Uranus in Taurus helps with the grounding and rooting the change.

Thursday Sept. 20th: Sun conjunct Mercury

This conjunction is in the last degrees of Virgo for both Sun and Mercury.  As I study astrology, I am continually amazed at how the planets line up and work together… I will forever be their eager student.  These last weeks the planets have had the theme of “take care of the details, clean out the clutter, and make the changes you need to now.” Here we are with both the Sun and Mercury 27 degrees Virgo (2 +7 = 9; Nine is about completion).  We are getting one final push to ‘get ‘er done’. Change your mind and thought forms down to the details that have been revealed to be true to your authentic higher self.  Know that this 27 degrees is powerful energy of these two on top of each other fused together, concentrating their focus and intensity for completion.

Friday Sept 21st: Mercury moves into Libra

Libra is the second air sign in the chart, making it easy and natural while Mercury is in Libra to think things through and see all sides clearly.

Saturday Sept 22nd: Sun moves into Libra and Fall Equinox

While our Sun is in Libra, the aspects to it will be all about harmony and balance with the movement to complete Peace. The Fall Equinox gives us the complete balance of day and night right as we enter Libra.  With the past weeks you have cleared out some ‘stuff’ and organized some areas of your life.  You are ready to find more balance in your daily life while you say goodbye to summer and welcome the days of Autumn. There is a preparation as we head towards the ‘dark’ part of the year; knowing that in the dark so much more will be revealed if we are willing to look and do the work.

Sunday Sept 23rd: Mercury square Saturn and Mercury trine Mars

Mercury/Saturn square another friction and turning point. This corresponds with the earlier Mars/Uranus square of tearing up the rules. With Saturn, take it to higher cosmic law and above the man-made restrictions and rules in our society. This is getting beyond the details… looking at the bigger picture, you do not want to let restrictions of Saturn pull you backwards. With Mercury in Libra think of higher levels of awareness to complete Peace. 

Mercury/ Mars trine is for inspiration with a flow and ease to help and support. Your life force is here to give you the nudge; dare to be different. This aspect gives you an enforced concentration with lots of energy with a sharp mind. A good time for making decisions or plans; you are quick thinking and ‘tuned’ in.  If nothing else, write a little inspirational note to yourself to look back on at a later time.

This is all just before Monday’s (Sept 24th) Full Moon in Aries… The planets are keeping the pace all through September, so adjust as you go.

In Spirit,
